
Importance of Spine

Your nervous system is the centre which controls and coordinates your body. Your spinal cord is located within the spinal canal. Your spinal cord extends the whole length of spine, and your nerves branch off from the spine to every muscle and organ of your body.


Your central nervous system is the center which controls and coordinates your body. Your spinal cord is located within the spinal canal. Your spinal cord extends throughout the whole length of the spine, and your nerves branch off from the spine to every muscle and organ of your body. Good health, in terms of your Chiropractor, is when your nervous system functions properly and is free from any interference caused by subluxations.


Spine is the pillar of the human body. It is connected to all internal organs, muscles and nerves. In fact, all brain activities are regulated by the functions of the spine. The spine is a column of bones called vertebrae. Human beings have 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumber, 5 sacral, and 3-5 coccyx vertebrae.

The function of the spinal cord depends on the condition of the vertebrae. When mobility of the vertebrae is lost the reflexes become dull. When the spine is distorted the nerves are compressed and the result is that all the organs controlled by those nerves will not perform properly. Chiropractic Therapy attempts to correct the distorted vertebrae and normalize the functions of the organs, muscles, tissues, and nerves.

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