Importance of Spine
Your nervous system is the centre which controls and coordinates your body. Your spinal cord is located within the spinal canal. Your spinal cord extends the whole length of spine, and your nerves branch off from the spine to every muscle and organ of your body.
Your central nervous system is the center which controls and coordinates your body. Your spinal cord is located within the spinal canal. Your spinal cord extends throughout the whole length of the spine, and your nerves branch off from the spine to every muscle and organ of your body. Good health, in terms of your Chiropractor, is when your nervous system functions properly and is free from any interference caused by subluxations.
Spine is the pillar of the human body. It is connected to all internal organs, muscles and nerves. In fact, all brain activities are regulated by the functions of the spine. The spine is a column of bones called vertebrae. Human beings have 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumber, 5 sacral, and 3-5 coccyx vertebrae.
The function of the spinal cord depends on the condition of the vertebrae. When mobility of the vertebrae is lost the reflexes become dull. When the spine is distorted the nerves are compressed and the result is that all the organs controlled by those nerves will not perform properly. Chiropractic Therapy attempts to correct the distorted vertebrae and normalize the functions of the organs, muscles, tissues, and nerves.
Your central nervous system is the center which controls and coordinates your body. Your spinal cord is located within the spinal canal. Your spinal cord extends throughout the whole length of the spine, and your nerves branch off from the spine to every muscle and organ of your body. Good health, in terms of your Chiropractor, is when your nervous system functions properly and is free from any interference caused by subluxations.
Spine is the pillar of the human body. It is connected to all internal organs, muscles and nerves. In fact, all brain activities are regulated by the functions of the spine. The spine is a column of bones called vertebrae. Human beings have 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumber, 5 sacral, and 3-5 coccyx vertebrae.
The function of the spinal cord depends on the condition of the vertebrae. When mobility of the vertebrae is lost the reflexes become dull. When the spine is distorted the nerves are compressed and the result is that all the organs controlled by those nerves will not perform properly. Chiropractic Therapy attempts to correct the distorted vertebrae and normalize the functions of the organs, muscles, tissues, and nerves.
Why People need SPINE care?
It would not be too presumptuous to say that the spine is one of the most important components in the human body. It is involved in one way or another, in everything your body does. It is the path for most nerves from the brain to the organs and tissues of the body. The fact is the spine is used and may become injured as early as birth. Many injures are often overlooked and only seen upon close examination or when you become diseased or with symptoms later in life. A good eye and an x-ray or MRI of a new born -2 year old can identify any early traumas from falls or from doctors assisting in birth.
Natural birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment has been seen in many cases to be the cause of many newborn’s health complaints. Some of these are colic, breathing problems or SIDS, nursing difficulties, irritability, sleep disturbances, weight problems, allergic reactions, lymph production or disease and chronic infections or other disease. Many things such as ear infections, improperly developing eyes, or abnormal growth and can be traced to nerve system stress.
In the future, they will more than likely be able to trace birth defects, body aging or degeneration, conditions of the body such as MS or ADD, AD/HD, depression, separation syndrome and many more to either spine issues, toxins or nutrition of both mother and child.
As the child begins to participate in regular childhood activities like crawling, running or as a youth, skating or riding a bike, small yet significant spinal misalignments (subluxations) may occur. A subluxation is simply a movement of a spine segment which puts it out of place by millimeters which may restrict or pinch nerves or blood flow to an area of the body. In some cases it moves the disc or padding (dis) in between the bones. Major injuries can cause these discs to become damaged (tears, protrusions, leaking, degeneration). Aging or improper diet, genetic disorders weaken and cause such to break down early for some. If neglected, these may lead to more serious problems later in life.
These subluxations can be in any of the 3 areas of the spine. The most overlooked area, the neck (cervical region) can be caused by head bangs, sudden momentum changes from auto accident, sleeping improperly, birth process and others reasons. Such subluxations may result in problems such as depression, head cocking, vision issues, or eye jerking, heart rhythm disorders, headaches, ear and sinus drainage issues, improper nerve control of face or body parts, fainting or dizziness, facial pain, acne, seizures, fatigue, buzzing sounds in the ears and many more.
If injury or subluxation is in the middle back (thoracic region) it may cause an adult or child to experience skin disorders, internal organ issues, ulcers of the throat or stomach, heart issues (hypertension, rhythm abnormalities or incorrect growth), allergies, asthma or breathing problems. Injures may also cause liver or gallbladder problems, kidney problems and many more.
The lower spine (lumbar region) is right below the nerves and lines of blood flow to the kidneys. So a problem in the lumbar may also show such kidney related issues. The reproductive organs and urinary track controls may not work or grow as they should. A person may be a bed wetter due to subluxation or even become sterile or more likely to have uterine, prostate or other cancer. These areas are also the path for the lower body and control of all types of movements (digestion) and body stability and muscles. A person with a subluxation here may have lower back pain.
Long term problems with any areas of the spine and where it restricts or cuts off the flow or impulses, blood or does not allow proper function to important components, may result in severe disease and early cancer or dead cells. Things such as cervix or prostate, liver or digestive cancers, obesity and the saying “broke the camels back” make sense for the blue collar worker or overworked person. Spinal damage can result in a shorter life. Coughing may cause subluxations so if you are a smoker, the likely-hood of a subluxation killing you first is correct due to lung tissue not regenerated like it should or cutting of the nerves to the heart.
One of the most common reason parents seek care may or may not be due to pain or symptoms. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from many traumas such as child birth, falls, accidents, or normal activities and can help prevent many of the health complaints and diseases seen throughout or later in life. A persons body does not align properly when most people are sitting comfortable and constant weight carrying or obesity, quick weight loss, computer or backpack neck are the most common causes other than car accident for subluxations. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health. Hippocrates stated that “Most disease can be traced back to the spine”.
The nerve system is centered in the back and controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. A chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.
Many health care providers now have options in their plans. They may offer chiropractic as an addition. They may allow for 10-12 visits a year. Others may not be as up to date with information and complete healthcare like others. Some physicians and providers try to minimize services and suggested visits to any alternative medicine except in case of major issues they cant mask. The times are changing and living a longer and healthy life is now possible once we start to treat the cause of problems and not just the symptoms.
If you know someone suffering from colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies and headaches to name a few, see the Spine and Nerve Chart WE can help.
Health is Synonymous with Healing
Everyday the human body comes into contact with millions of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful things in our normal environments. No mater how hard you clean or how green we are, these body pollutants will always be there. You can drink lots of water, coffee, or detox tea and hit that water sickness point from drinking to much but it isn't effective enough. You can add all the supplements and safe products to remove such or help your body expel such but it still wont completely work. We can be health cautious and still there are better and simpler ways which actually work. These previous ideas done periodically or followed religiously will lesson the intensity of needed such cleansing therapies. The problem we run into is, what really works?, how and why?, and who to visit?
The chemicals, toxins, pollution, viruses, bacteria, and critters we encounter would kill us within days or hours if we had a weak immune system or one that was not functioning as well as ours were designed. The truth is, it takes only years and sometimes weeks after birth to start lowering the capability of our bodies because of these things. Sometimes due to these harmful materials in our mother, a child may not develop properly or will be born less capable then others who are at 100% or 120% in all categories.
To keep our bodies running at the optimum levels, we have many options. These topics I will briefly touch on, are proven to assist us in functioning at our maximum capabilities. Taking supplements, proper vitamins, and use of herbs, medicine in pill form and various ways of body cleaning are what we need to explore. Just letting things go and hoping health care will cover all the diseases we could avoid through our life will soon be un-affordable. But why would we want to live a life up to chance, or one less foe-filled.
Many have been told that all they need to do for long life or to stay healthy is add this or take that, watch this indicator, etc. The many things we can take, being supplements, vitamins, effective herbs are to complicated and numerous to discuss here and not everything is for everyone. Designing your intake of these products should be done on an individual basis and by what works for you. Doctors or Nutritionists knowing all about such can assist you.
In many cases we can run at our best for that moment by knowing what deficiencies you have and bringing your deficiency back to normal ranges is key. An example would be a diabetic and blood sugar or more simply, if your hungry or thirsty then eat or drink. It would be simple if we didn't have hundreds of good chemicals in our bodies or if we had a way to know what chemicals, minerals and fluids we needed to improve. Currently such device or tester is not available or cheap for at home use. Some types of doctors can simply evaluate things such as your eyes (Iridology), your tongue, skin and by other questions (Herbologist), stool (Colonic techs), blood or other fluids (PhD's of a specific area) etc., and they can assist your needs. You should have a good reason to request such from health insurance companies. Some simple things that can effect the ability of our body to heal, the condition of our nervous system, blood system, muscular system and digestive systems. Having all of these checked or addressed regularly will greatly increase your bodies ability to heal and for you to stay healthy.
Most just truly don't know why or what to look for or where to send you for such things to be done affordably. When you know yourself, and that something is abnormal or needed and you attempt to correct deficiencies or need equalizing of something. Not having alternative medicine options available through healthcare and not trying nature supplements prescribed by knowledge people limits our options. Always look for an expert and double check suggestions to prevent serious health implication. Being informed can prevent things from continually presenting themselves throughout life. I have asked for healthcare changes and inclusion of alternative medicine techniques but I am just one person. This requires a movement. So my advise would be to find a clinic or a doctor's office you like with Alternative Medicine specialists or Doctors in many areas like ours so they can consult and assist you and your specific needs.
Other therapies and view points involve various ways of removing these harmful things from our bodies. Our bodies periodically need such removal since they do not know what to do with various toxins, chemicals, metals. Such actually slows the aging process and corrects issues which prevent the body from doing its job at 100%. This requires additional ways and techniques to help.
Natural birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment has been seen in many cases to be the cause of many newborn’s health complaints. Some of these are colic, breathing problems or SIDS, nursing difficulties, irritability, sleep disturbances, weight problems, allergic reactions, lymph production or disease and chronic infections or other disease. Many things such as ear infections, improperly developing eyes, or abnormal growth and can be traced to nerve system stress.
In the future, they will more than likely be able to trace birth defects, body aging or degeneration, conditions of the body such as MS or ADD, AD/HD, depression, separation syndrome and many more to either spine issues, toxins or nutrition of both mother and child.
As the child begins to participate in regular childhood activities like crawling, running or as a youth, skating or riding a bike, small yet significant spinal misalignments (subluxations) may occur. A subluxation is simply a movement of a spine segment which puts it out of place by millimeters which may restrict or pinch nerves or blood flow to an area of the body. In some cases it moves the disc or padding (dis) in between the bones. Major injuries can cause these discs to become damaged (tears, protrusions, leaking, degeneration). Aging or improper diet, genetic disorders weaken and cause such to break down early for some. If neglected, these may lead to more serious problems later in life.
These subluxations can be in any of the 3 areas of the spine. The most overlooked area, the neck (cervical region) can be caused by head bangs, sudden momentum changes from auto accident, sleeping improperly, birth process and others reasons. Such subluxations may result in problems such as depression, head cocking, vision issues, or eye jerking, heart rhythm disorders, headaches, ear and sinus drainage issues, improper nerve control of face or body parts, fainting or dizziness, facial pain, acne, seizures, fatigue, buzzing sounds in the ears and many more.
If injury or subluxation is in the middle back (thoracic region) it may cause an adult or child to experience skin disorders, internal organ issues, ulcers of the throat or stomach, heart issues (hypertension, rhythm abnormalities or incorrect growth), allergies, asthma or breathing problems. Injures may also cause liver or gallbladder problems, kidney problems and many more.
The lower spine (lumbar region) is right below the nerves and lines of blood flow to the kidneys. So a problem in the lumbar may also show such kidney related issues. The reproductive organs and urinary track controls may not work or grow as they should. A person may be a bed wetter due to subluxation or even become sterile or more likely to have uterine, prostate or other cancer. These areas are also the path for the lower body and control of all types of movements (digestion) and body stability and muscles. A person with a subluxation here may have lower back pain.
Long term problems with any areas of the spine and where it restricts or cuts off the flow or impulses, blood or does not allow proper function to important components, may result in severe disease and early cancer or dead cells. Things such as cervix or prostate, liver or digestive cancers, obesity and the saying “broke the camels back” make sense for the blue collar worker or overworked person. Spinal damage can result in a shorter life. Coughing may cause subluxations so if you are a smoker, the likely-hood of a subluxation killing you first is correct due to lung tissue not regenerated like it should or cutting of the nerves to the heart.
One of the most common reason parents seek care may or may not be due to pain or symptoms. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from many traumas such as child birth, falls, accidents, or normal activities and can help prevent many of the health complaints and diseases seen throughout or later in life. A persons body does not align properly when most people are sitting comfortable and constant weight carrying or obesity, quick weight loss, computer or backpack neck are the most common causes other than car accident for subluxations. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health. Hippocrates stated that “Most disease can be traced back to the spine”.
The nerve system is centered in the back and controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. A chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.
Many health care providers now have options in their plans. They may offer chiropractic as an addition. They may allow for 10-12 visits a year. Others may not be as up to date with information and complete healthcare like others. Some physicians and providers try to minimize services and suggested visits to any alternative medicine except in case of major issues they cant mask. The times are changing and living a longer and healthy life is now possible once we start to treat the cause of problems and not just the symptoms.
If you know someone suffering from colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies and headaches to name a few, see the Spine and Nerve Chart WE can help.
Health is Synonymous with Healing
Everyday the human body comes into contact with millions of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful things in our normal environments. No mater how hard you clean or how green we are, these body pollutants will always be there. You can drink lots of water, coffee, or detox tea and hit that water sickness point from drinking to much but it isn't effective enough. You can add all the supplements and safe products to remove such or help your body expel such but it still wont completely work. We can be health cautious and still there are better and simpler ways which actually work. These previous ideas done periodically or followed religiously will lesson the intensity of needed such cleansing therapies. The problem we run into is, what really works?, how and why?, and who to visit?
The chemicals, toxins, pollution, viruses, bacteria, and critters we encounter would kill us within days or hours if we had a weak immune system or one that was not functioning as well as ours were designed. The truth is, it takes only years and sometimes weeks after birth to start lowering the capability of our bodies because of these things. Sometimes due to these harmful materials in our mother, a child may not develop properly or will be born less capable then others who are at 100% or 120% in all categories.
To keep our bodies running at the optimum levels, we have many options. These topics I will briefly touch on, are proven to assist us in functioning at our maximum capabilities. Taking supplements, proper vitamins, and use of herbs, medicine in pill form and various ways of body cleaning are what we need to explore. Just letting things go and hoping health care will cover all the diseases we could avoid through our life will soon be un-affordable. But why would we want to live a life up to chance, or one less foe-filled.
Many have been told that all they need to do for long life or to stay healthy is add this or take that, watch this indicator, etc. The many things we can take, being supplements, vitamins, effective herbs are to complicated and numerous to discuss here and not everything is for everyone. Designing your intake of these products should be done on an individual basis and by what works for you. Doctors or Nutritionists knowing all about such can assist you.
In many cases we can run at our best for that moment by knowing what deficiencies you have and bringing your deficiency back to normal ranges is key. An example would be a diabetic and blood sugar or more simply, if your hungry or thirsty then eat or drink. It would be simple if we didn't have hundreds of good chemicals in our bodies or if we had a way to know what chemicals, minerals and fluids we needed to improve. Currently such device or tester is not available or cheap for at home use. Some types of doctors can simply evaluate things such as your eyes (Iridology), your tongue, skin and by other questions (Herbologist), stool (Colonic techs), blood or other fluids (PhD's of a specific area) etc., and they can assist your needs. You should have a good reason to request such from health insurance companies. Some simple things that can effect the ability of our body to heal, the condition of our nervous system, blood system, muscular system and digestive systems. Having all of these checked or addressed regularly will greatly increase your bodies ability to heal and for you to stay healthy.
Most just truly don't know why or what to look for or where to send you for such things to be done affordably. When you know yourself, and that something is abnormal or needed and you attempt to correct deficiencies or need equalizing of something. Not having alternative medicine options available through healthcare and not trying nature supplements prescribed by knowledge people limits our options. Always look for an expert and double check suggestions to prevent serious health implication. Being informed can prevent things from continually presenting themselves throughout life. I have asked for healthcare changes and inclusion of alternative medicine techniques but I am just one person. This requires a movement. So my advise would be to find a clinic or a doctor's office you like with Alternative Medicine specialists or Doctors in many areas like ours so they can consult and assist you and your specific needs.
Other therapies and view points involve various ways of removing these harmful things from our bodies. Our bodies periodically need such removal since they do not know what to do with various toxins, chemicals, metals. Such actually slows the aging process and corrects issues which prevent the body from doing its job at 100%. This requires additional ways and techniques to help.
Why Everyone Needs Chiropractic Care?
A good eye and an x-ray or MRI of a new born -2 year old can identify any early traumas from falls or from doctors assisting in birth.
Natural birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment has been seen in many cases to be the cause of many newborn’s health complaints.
Some of these are colic, breathing problems or SIDS, nursing difficulties, irritability, sleep disturbances, weight problems, allergic reactions, lymph production or disease and chronic infections or other disease. Many things such as ear infections, improperly developing eyes, or abnormal growth and can be traced to nerve system stress.
In the future, they will more than likely be able to trace birth defects, body aging or degeneration, conditions of the body such as MS or ADD, AD/HD, depression, separation syndrome and many more to either spine issues, toxins or nutrition of both mother and child.
As the child begins to participate in regular childhood activities like crawling, running or as a youth, skating or riding a bike, small yet significant spinal misalignments (subluxations) may occur.
A subluxation is simply a movement of a spine segment which puts it out of place by millimeters which may restrict or pinch nerves or blood flow to an area of the body. In some cases it moves the disc or padding (dis) in between the bones. Major injuries can cause these discs to become damaged (tears, protrusions, leaking, degeneration). Aging or improper diet, genetic disorders weaken and cause such to break down early for som e. If neglected, these may lead to more serious problems later in life.
These subluxations can be in any of the 3 areas of the spine. The most overlooked area, the neck (cervical region) can be caused by head bangs, sudden momentum changes from auto accident, sleeping improperly, birth process and others reasons. Such subluxations may result in problems such as depression, head cocking, vision issues, or eye jerking, heart rhythm disorders, headaches, ear and sinus drainage issues, improper nerve control of face or body parts, fainting or dizziness, facial pain, acne, seizures, fatigue, buzzing sounds in the ears and many more.
If injury or subluxation is in the middle back (thoracic region) it may cause an adult or child to experience skin disorders, internal organ issues, ulcers of the throat or stomach, heart issues (hypertension, rhythm abnormalities or incorrect growth), allergies, asthma or breathing problems. Injures may also cause liver or gallbladder problems, kidney problems and many more.
The lower spine (lumbar region) is right below the nerves and lines of blood flow to the kidneys. So a problem in the lumbar may also show such kidney related issues. The reproductive organs and urinary track controls may not work or grow as they should. A person may be a bed wetter due to subluxation or even become sterile or more likely to have uterine, prostate or other cancer. These areas are also the path for the lower body and control of all types of movements (digestion) and body stability and muscles. A person with a subluxation here may have lower back pain.
Long term problems with any areas of the spine and where it restricts or cuts off the flow or impulses, blood or does not allow proper function to important components, may result in severe disease and early cancer or dead cells. Things such as cervix or prostate, liver or digestive cancers, obesity and the saying “broke the camels back” make sense for the blue collar worker or overworked person. Spinal damage can result in a shorter life. Coughing may cause subluxations so if you are a smoker, the likely-hood of a subluxation killing you first is correct due to lung tissue not regenerated like it should or cutting of the nerves to the heart.
One of the most common reason parents seek care may or may not be due to pain or symptoms. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from many traumas such as child birth, falls, accidents, or normal activities and can help prevent many of the health complaints and diseases seen throughout or later in life. A persons body does not align properly when most people are sitting comfortable and constant weight carrying or obesity, quick weight loss, computer or backpack neck are the most common causes other than car accident for subluxations. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health. Hippocrates stated that “Most disease can be traced back to the spine”.
The nerve system is centered in the back and controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. A chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.
Many health care providers now have options in their plans. They may offer chiropractic as an addition. They may allow for 10-12 visits a year. Others may not be as up to date with information and complete healthcare like others.
Some physicians and providers try to minimize services and suggested visits to any alternative medicine except in case of major issues they cant mask. The times are changing and living a longer and healthy life is now possible once we start to treat the cause of problems and not just the symptoms.
If you know someone suffering from colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies and headaches to name a few, see the Spine and Nerve Chart Chiropractic care can help.
It would not be too presumptuous to say that the spine is one of the most important components in the human body. It is involved in one way or another, in everything your body does. It is the path for most nerves from the brain to the organs and tissues of the body. The fact is the spine is used and may become injured as early as birth. Many injures are often overlooked and only seen upon close examination or when you become diseased or with symptoms later in life.
A good eye and an x-ray or MRI of a new born -2 year old can identify any early traumas from falls or from doctors assisting in birth.
Natural birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment has been seen in many cases to be the cause of many newborn’s health complaints.
Some of these are colic, breathing problems or SIDS, nursing difficulties, irritability, sleep disturbances, weight problems, allergic reactions, lymph production or disease and chronic infections or other disease. Many things such as ear infections, improperly developing eyes, or abnormal growth and can be traced to nerve system stress.
In the future, they will more than likely be able to trace birth defects, body aging or degeneration, conditions of the body such as MS or ADD, AD/HD, depression, separation syndrome and many more to either spine issues, toxins or nutrition of both mother and child.
As the child begins to participate in regular childhood activities like crawling, running or as a youth, skating or riding a bike, small yet significant spinal misalignments (subluxations) may occur.
A subluxation is simply a movement of a spine segment which puts it out of place by millimeters which may restrict or pinch nerves or blood flow to an area of the body. In some cases it moves the disc or padding (dis) in between the bones. Major injuries can cause these discs to become damaged (tears, protrusions, leaking, degeneration). Aging or improper diet, genetic disorders weaken and cause such to break down early for som e. If neglected, these may lead to more serious problems later in life.
These subluxations can be in any of the 3 areas of the spine. The most overlooked area, the neck (cervical region) can be caused by head bangs, sudden momentum changes from auto accident, sleeping improperly, birth process and others reasons. Such subluxations may result in problems such as depression, head cocking, vision issues, or eye jerking, heart rhythm disorders, headaches, ear and sinus drainage issues, improper nerve control of face or body parts, fainting or dizziness, facial pain, acne, seizures, fatigue, buzzing sounds in the ears and many more.
If injury or subluxation is in the middle back (thoracic region) it may cause an adult or child to experience skin disorders, internal organ issues, ulcers of the throat or stomach, heart issues (hypertension, rhythm abnormalities or incorrect growth), allergies, asthma or breathing problems. Injures may also cause liver or gallbladder problems, kidney problems and many more.
The lower spine (lumbar region) is right below the nerves and lines of blood flow to the kidneys. So a problem in the lumbar may also show such kidney related issues. The reproductive organs and urinary track controls may not work or grow as they should. A person may be a bed wetter due to subluxation or even become sterile or more likely to have uterine, prostate or other cancer. These areas are also the path for the lower body and control of all types of movements (digestion) and body stability and muscles. A person with a subluxation here may have lower back pain.
Long term problems with any areas of the spine and where it restricts or cuts off the flow or impulses, blood or does not allow proper function to important components, may result in severe disease and early cancer or dead cells. Things such as cervix or prostate, liver or digestive cancers, obesity and the saying “broke the camels back” make sense for the blue collar worker or overworked person. Spinal damage can result in a shorter life. Coughing may cause subluxations so if you are a smoker, the likely-hood of a subluxation killing you first is correct due to lung tissue not regenerated like it should or cutting of the nerves to the heart.
One of the most common reason parents seek care may or may not be due to pain or symptoms. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from many traumas such as child birth, falls, accidents, or normal activities and can help prevent many of the health complaints and diseases seen throughout or later in life. A persons body does not align properly when most people are sitting comfortable and constant weight carrying or obesity, quick weight loss, computer or backpack neck are the most common causes other than car accident for subluxations. Proper spinal hygiene is an important key to better health. Hippocrates stated that “Most disease can be traced back to the spine”.
The nerve system is centered in the back and controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. A chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.
Many health care providers now have options in their plans. They may offer chiropractic as an addition. They may allow for 10-12 visits a year. Others may not be as up to date with information and complete healthcare like others.
Some physicians and providers try to minimize services and suggested visits to any alternative medicine except in case of major issues they cant mask. The times are changing and living a longer and healthy life is now possible once we start to treat the cause of problems and not just the symptoms.
If you know someone suffering from colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies and headaches to name a few, see the Spine and Nerve Chart Chiropractic care can help.
Frequent Asked Question about Spine
Q. What is Chiropractic?
A. Chiropractic is the treatment designed to remove subluxations(misalignments) of spinal bones(vertebra).
Q. Why are misalignments of the spine so important?
A. Subluxated vertebra lead to disc injuries such as bulges, herniations and tears. Subluxated vertebra cause arthritis, spurs, degeneration and early deterioration of the spine. Subluxations also pinch nerves and cause spinal cord pressure which can lead to pain, dysfunction, organ problems and disease.
Q. How do subluxations cause pain?
A. Nerves branch off your spinal cord and exit between each vertebra. These nerves relay messages from your brain to your body parts and back again. If the nerves are healthy 100% of the messages flow unobstructed. If nerves are damaged then the body gets sick or diseased. The most common way nerves are damaged are through subluxations. When a vertebral bone is misaligned it can pinch the nerve and cause damage which can lead to pain. Think of it as accidently slamming your finger in a car door. You would experience immediate pain because your finger is being pinched. The same is true for spinal nerves when they are pinched between vertebra.
Q. How do subluxations cause disease?
A. The word disease really means dis-ease. Dis-ease of the body simply means the body is not at ease. It is not functioning properly. When a body is not functioning properly it is more likely to get sick. If your lungs aren't working right you are more succeptible to some type of lung disease. If your heart isn't working right your are more susceptible to some type of heart disease. If your stomach is not working right you are more likely to acquire some type of stomach disease. A properly functioning body is a healthier stronger body.
Subluxations lead to your body being diseased by obstructing nerve flow from brain to body. When you obstruct the brain's commands the body breaks down. Think of it as a short in an electrical wire. If a wire is shorting out the light it supplies will be dim and flicker. In essence it will be malfunctioning. Your body is the same. If a subluxation is pinching a nerve and causing a short, whatever part of your body that nerve feeds will not be functioning at 100%.
Q. How do Chiropractors remove subluxations?
A. Through spinal adjustments. The word Chiropractic literally means done by hand. The Chiropractor moves the bones by hand.
Q. Does getting a Chiropractic adjustment hurt?
A. ost patients love to get adjusted. Getting adjusted usually feels fantastic. Most patients report a feeling of looseness, relaxation and less stress after adjustments. You must understand however that if you see the Chiropractor and you are suffering from a severely pinched nerve and are in excruciating pain to begin with the first few adjustments may be uncomfortable. On the whole Chiropractic adjustments are safe, effective and feel good.
Q. Who can & should receive adjustments and at what age can they start?
A. Although most of our new patients are patients in pain, everyone should receive chiropractic adjustments on some type of regular schedule. Once a patient's spinal problem is resolved they should see the Chiropractor throughout their life to keep their spine healthy. Dentists used to be scoffed at for telling patients to brush their teeth. A dentist's philosophy is to prevent tooth decay from ever happening in the first place. This is because once a cavity forms the damage is already done. Keeping your teeth healthy prevents cavities. You can keep your spine healthier by receiving regularly scheduled adjustments. This helps prevent arthritis, disc problems, pain and dysfunction.
The youngest patient ever adjusted at Blackhawk Chiropractic was 2 days old. The oldest patient was 99.
A good rule of thumb to tell if somebody needs adjustments is if they have a spine.
Q. Do I have to come forever?
A. No, absolutely not. You should understand that resolving serious spinal problems takes time. Once your condition is resolved the choice is up to you how you want to see the Chiropractor. Keep in mind that once your condition is resolved it may have the tendency to break down again if not maintained properly. Compare this to exercising. Once you have reached your physical goal you should keep exercising on some type of regular basis to keep your body healthy. With regularly scheduled Chiropractic adjustments you can decrease the odds of regressing back to your original spinal problem while increasing your odds of better health. Just remember whatever you choose, is always up to you the patient.
Q. Is Chiropractic care expensive?
A. No. Although the word expensive means different things to different people, Chiropractic care is one of the least expensive forms of health care. In fact we believe that if more people see Chiropractors, national health care costs would decrease because on the whole people would be much healthier. Keep in mind that we will always try to make it as affordable as possible for you and your family. As a new patient, if you have concerns about cost, you are welcome to speak with our financial department in person and they will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Q. Is a Chiropractor a "real" doctor?
A. Absolutely! If by a "real" doctor you mean a Medical doctor then the answer is no. Just as a Chiropractor is not a Medical doctor, a Medical doctor is not a Chiropractor. A Medical doctor has the same amount of hours and years of schooling as does a Chiropractor, but Medical doctors and Chiropractors are very different. Although it is slowly changing, most Medical doctors are concerned with symptoms of sickness or disease rather than prevention. Chiropractors are more concerned with prevention of disease. Medical doctors treat patients with drugs and surgery. Chiropractors treat patients with their hands. Medical doctors use an outside of the body chemical, put it inside the patient's body and wait for results. Chiropractors release pressure off of nerves inside the body to release the body's natural inner healing powers. Chiropractors have 4 years of undergraduate study and 4 years of study in Chiropractic college. They are required to pass rigorous state and national board licensing. Chiropractors must also keep their license current by attending regular post graduate study courses.
Q.Does anyone famous receive Chiropractic care?
A. Thousands of Pro Athletes and celebreties receive adjustments. Here are just a few and here is what they have to say.
“I’ve been going to the chiropractor for as long as I remember. It’s as important to my game as practicing my swing!” -Tiger Woods,
Winner of 8 Majors at only 27
“Chiropractic's been a big part of my game. I only wish I had tried chiropractic care a few years sooner when I first started having back problems.” -Joe Montana,
4-time Super Bowl Champion
“I could not have won the Tour de France without the assistance of my chiropractor.” -Lance Armstrong,
4-time winner of the grueling Tour de France
“If it were not for chiropractic, I would not have won the Gold Medal.”
-Dan O'Brien,
Worlds Greatest Athlete
“I have to have an adjustment before I go into the ring. I do believe in chiropractic. I found that going to a chiropractor three times a week helps my performance. The majority of boxers go to get that edge.” -Evander Holyfield,
4-time World Heavyweight Champion
Spinal Nerve Chart
Below is a chart that will help you understand the importance maintaining of a healthy spine.
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